Friday 24 October 2014

Social Networks.

Hello readers!
Today my article is going to be about many different social websites. I'll mention the advantages and disadvantages, and also the things that are brought with all of them. I'll try to give my opinion as well.
Nowadays, most teen people have an account or more than one account in social websites. Not only teenagers, some children between 10-13 years also have an account for example on the famous social websites called Tuenti, Twitter and WhatsApp.
This carries some advantages and disadvantages that I'm going to put right now.

On the one hand, we've got the advantages. One of the best advantages is that you can meet people and get in well by chatting with them, in this way, you can make some friends. Another good advantage is that in some websites like Twitter and all these, you can know what's happening in the world; in Twitter there are some accounts made for getting people informed about sports, politics, economy... and there are also other accounts which get you informed of what's happening with famous people, in other words, gossip accounts. The last one I'm about to mention is that you can share what you're doing at the moment with people, this might be a way to entertain yourself and have a good time with your Internet friends.

On the other hand, you don't have to forget that there are some disadvantages too. The first one that you must know is that anyone can use your information; when you create an account in Tuenti, as an example, they ask for some of your information like your age, the school you study at, your residence... that information appears even if you make your account private, then, anyone can see and use it all for bad things. The second disadvantage can be that you don't actually know who you're chatting with, they can lie to you; for example, in Google there are some chat rooms where you chat randomly with anyone, that people can give you false information; they tell you that they're people of your age and of your same sex, whereas actually, they're forty-fifty year old pederasts looking for little children or teenagers. And the last one but not less important is that you can get addicted to social websites; I don't know how, but some people I know used to get in many social websites everyday almost 9 hours per day and they finally got addicted to it.

In the last place, I would like to give my advice. Well, I suppose that you all know that you mustn't give your personal information on Internet, but I think that some of you don't realise how dangerous it can be to us if we give our information. Because even with the minimum information, anyone could find us. There are some cases like this, if you would like to read about it, click here and also here. So please, don't give your personal information to anyone unless you personally know them.

See you in my next post! I will post it soon!

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